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Salesforce Formula Operators and Functions

By October 19, 2020No Comments

Salesforce formulas derive their value from other fields, expressions, or values.   They can be used in a number of contexts, including custom fields for auto-calculating values, criteria for data validation and workflow, and Visualforce pages.

Here are the Operators available to you whether you are using formula builders in an object or a process or if you are writing the formula in an apex script or visual force page.

Math Operators
+ Calculates the sum of two values.
Calculates the difference of two values.
* Calculates the product of two values
/ Calculates the quotient of two values
^ Raises a number to a power of a specified number.
() Specifies that the expressions within the parentheses are evaluated first. All other expressions are evaluated using standard operator precedence
Text Operators
& Concatenates two or more strings.
Logical Operators
= also == Evaluates whether two values are equivalent.
<> also != Evaluates whether two values are not equivalent.
Evaluates whether a value is less than the value that follows this symbol.
Evaluates whether a value is greater than the value that follows this symbol.
<= Evaluates whether a value is less than or equal to the value that follows this symbol.
>= Evaluates whether a value is greater than or equal to the value that follows this symbol.
&& Evaluates whether two values or expressions are both true. Use this operator as an alternative to the logical function AND.
|| Evaluates whether at least one of multiple values or expressions is true. Use this operator as an alternative to the logical function OR.
Becci MG

Author Becci MG

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