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GoldMine : Viewing your History

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Such a simple question, isn’t it? How can you look at just YOUR historical items without running a report or going from record to record to record?

Easy, it’s all within the Activity List.

1. Select Go To | Activities from the top level menu.

2. From here, you can see both Pending and Completed items on a per-user basis, filtered by Date Range and Activity Types.

3. Use the left-hand pane to drill down to the historical items you want to inspect. (Clicking on the “Closed Activities” folder gives you ALL activity types)

4. Use the top-level drop downs to select Date Range and Username.

5. Don’t forget you can export the list by right-clicking and selecting Output To | Excel.

Try it!

ZOHO CRM – Get your GAME on!

By CRM, Software No Comments

With the new 2016 CRM release comes GAMESCOPE! Gamescope will motivate your employees to work harder and have fun doing it! Anyone can set up a game with one or more users in the system. Each player earns points completing certain defined things in CRM – like converting a lead, closing a deal, completing a task.

To set up the actions and points rewarded, click on the GameScope icon in the top nav bar,


then click the gear wheel.screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-7-26-42-pm

To create a game, simply click the New Game Button. Try it out!

ZOHO CRM – Add margins to a template

By CRM, Software

Zoho’s inventory templates look fine when viewing online, but if someone wanted to print them, they don’t have much of a margin around them.   Here’s a quick trick to add a margin to any template in Zoho:

Create the template first.  Then click the html button in the Template Editor’s Tool pallet:

You’ll be presented with all the html code that goes into making the template that you created.  Don’t be scared ;o)

Add this code at the start:

<div style=”margin:10px;”>

and this code at the very end:


You can adjust the number 10 to get the desired margin you want.  Smaller number will create thinner margin.

ZOHO CRM 2016 – Where are all my Custom Buttons?

By CRM, Software

Custom buttons got a little bit of a make-over in the 2016 version, and this is the case whether you have switched to the new version or not…

BEFORE, each custom button would be a visible button in the area you selected (List view, View or Edit)

NOW, they are together in a drop down list with ONLY the name of the first button showing, and you can have more than 2!

Also, for buttons placed in the list view, in the new version you must now select at least one record before the buttons become visible:

MSCRM – Online 2016 Update 1 Features (Part 3)

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I stumbled across the address autocomplete feature in one of my most recent CRM Online trials. When I set up the trial I was able to choose some of the newer add-ons like Field Service and Project Service.

I learned from other online blogs that the postal address autocomplete feature is added as part of the Field Service solution. Microsoft recommends that you get the trial here and then you can purchase it once you’ve tried it out. 

The basic idea is that it tries to fill in the address once you’ve provided some part of it. For example, after you fill in the street address, it will try to autocomplete the rest of the address by providing potential options. Then you can select the one that’s correct or ignore it and fill in the address yourself. 


MSCRM – Online 2016 Update 1 Features (Part 2)

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The second feature that I wanted to highlight was the addition of self-service portals for non-CRM users. Portals allow your customers to view CRM data, submit support requests, interact on your website forums, among so many other cool features. It can also be helpful if you have a sales team that needs some access to CRM data but not enough to warrant a CRM user license. Portals are an add-on feature to CRM Online but you can request a trial from here. All you have to do is provide some contact information and business justification and they’ll send you a trial key. I received mine very quickly and I can’t wait to try it out!

MSCRM – Online 2016 Update 1 Features (Part 1)

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The first feature I’m going to review is the ability to create and restore backups on your own. Previously you would have had to involve Microsoft to obtain a backup of your CRM organization. Now you can create a backup on demand, although backups are still performed daily, and you can restore a backup at your leisure.

You can manage your backups in the CRM Online Admin Center which you can get to from the Office 365 Admin Center. You can only restore on-demand backups to a sandbox instance. Check out this TechNet article for full details.

ZOHO CRM 2016 – Change is good!

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Have you had the courage yet to try Zoho CRM 2016?  It can be disorienting sometimes getting used to a new user interface, especially if you’ve been using the application for a while, but I’m telling you it’s really worth it!

Every day with the new system I’m finding little things that make using Zoho even easier to use.

Here are three  examples:

Favoriting Reports – Now you can click a little star next a report name and it will pin the report to the top of the report list so it’s easier to find!
Template Versioning Notes – When you update a template, you now have the option to include notes of what updates you made.
Applying Discounts – you can now right click the arrow next to line item discounts and either enter a flat percentage, a flat amount or select a pricebook.
Switch over today and let us know what cool new features you find!

ZOHO CRM – Where are all my custom buttons?

By Uncategorized

Custom buttons got a little bit of a make-over in the 2016 version, and this is the case whether you have switched to the new version of not…

BEFORE, each custom button would be a visible button in the area you selected (List view, View or Edit)

NOW, they are together in a drop down list with ONLY the name of the first button showing.

Also, for buttons placed in the list view, in the new version you must now select at least one record before the buttons become visible:

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