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GoldMine: Create GoldMine History Records in Mass

By March 29, 2021No Comments

There are times when you send a mass mailing or other activity outside of GoldMine but would still like to have a history record attached to the records that participated.  Some examples are if you sent holiday card or gifts, presentations, or any action done in mass that needs a history record.

To do this, create a simple automated process that can be configured and run when you need it.  Then, each time you do a mass event, create a group or filter of the recipients to run the process for.

For this example, we will create history records for holiday gifts we sent to all clients. 

Create a group or filter

  1. Select Tools | Filters.
  2. Create and save a new filter for “status field” = “Client”

Create Automated Process

  1. Select Tools | Automated Processes | Manage Processes.  The Automated Processes Center will open.
  2. Change to an appropriate username.
  3. Click on the New Automated Processes button in the Toolbar to open the Automated Processes Wizard.
  4. Give it a name (e.g., Create History Record) and click Next.
  5. Select only the following three check boxes
    1. “Allow only one attachment of this process per contact”
    2. “Execute this process immediately upon attachment”
    3. “Allow users to attach this process”

  1. Click Next.
  2. To create the event, click the New button.
  3. The Event Properties window comes up.  There are three sections:
    1. Event Description: could say something like Create History Record.
    2. Trigger on: = Immediate.
    3. Perform Action: = Create History.  Click the Options button.
      1. Activity Type = “Other”
      2. User = “Assigned User”
      3. Click the Activity Details button and fill out the Other action per normal. Include the reference, date, and a short note

  1. Click OK three times.
  2. Click New and create a second event that triggers immediately to remove itself (called Remove Track).
  3. Click Next and Finish.

Attach and Run the Automated Process

  1. Attach the AP to the filter/group by selecting Tools | Automated Processes | Execute Process.
    1. Select Scan a group of contacts and select the appropriate filter/group from the drop-down list.
    2. Select Scan once.
    3. Select Attach Track to selected contacts: and select the Create History Record AP from the drop-down list.
    4. Click Process.

Justin Hill

Author Justin Hill

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